Episode 24 brings with it a familiar face, er, voice, in the form of Fog, who was our very first guest on the podcast, way back in November.
We also take cheap shots at Pat Sajak, mock people who make Kurn rich and take an in-depth look at the Midsummer Fire Festival, which launched today!

Episode 24 - Blessing of Frost - A Foggy Fire Festival:
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Some notes before we give out a bunch of links:
1) The Orgrimmar Fire has moved. It is not horrible to get to. But it’s still not a good time.
2) Honoring and desecrating fires gives guild rep! As a human, wearing the Illustrious Guild Tabard, in a guild with the 10% reputation bonus, I am getting about 35 rep per fire honoured and 70 rep per fire desecrated.
3) Northrend fires are apparently NOT required for the meta, however, it’s in your best interest to do so in order to gather as many Burning Blossoms as possible. (Also, guild rep! Money! Fame — wait, no, not fame. But guild rep and money!)
4) The Ice Stone that melts is what starts the Ahune event. Ahune stops 90% of damage until he retreats into his Frozen Core. Focus adds, then switch to Ahune and pop Heroism/Bloodlust/Time Warp as soon as he “retreats”.
Okay, on to some links!
Lord Ahune’s new drop table is here at MMO-Champion.
Wowhead’s excellent Fire Festival Guide.
Fox Van Allen’s Gold Capped article. (@foxvanallen)
Kurn tweeted: What do you love/hate about the Midsummer Fire Festival?
These fine folks responded. Why not consider following them on Twitter?
@SerrinneWoW: Killing hordies who try to get into IF to put out the fire!
@mageic: all the xp you get on toons that are still leveling 😀
@stoppableforce: The Ice Stone, melting!
@Technophobia: XP/gold conversion, and free XP for alts, assuming it hasn’t been nerfed.
@soylentverde: XP boost to my lowbies!
@ammonightfall: being one step closer to that frakin Long Strange Journey achiev!
@Osephala: Toasted Smorcs. Yum!
@SturgarHawkwind: The part where Firelands comes out.
@Bindww: Used to hate it, now I’m indifferent
@yawowb: ganking campers at the fires!
@squareSquid: Everything is fun and games until you are corpse camped for a half hour in Westfall! #imawfulatpvp
@Dahrla: I hate having to go to every single flight path. Takes ages. Then again, I love that about Fire Festival, too. 😛
@whatsatotem: Torch juggling daily, omfg.
@Syrcorax: Hmm everything?
@gamerfridge: That it is only once a year. I love the festival!
And of course, you can follow Apotheosis and Kurn on Twitter:
@ApotheosisET and @kurnmogh
Don’t forget to rate us up on iTunes!
Have a great fire festival guys and we’ll see you next week with a full breakdown of Patch 4.2!