Episode 37 is here, complete with obscure references to the movie Clerks, as well as some talk about burnout as it pertains to WoW. Our special guest this week is Mylana, a combat rogue from Choice of Skywall (currently 3/7 25-man HM, looking for DPS and healers!).

Episode 37 - Blessing of Frost - Triple M Edition: Mylana, Majik and Madrana:
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Pliers (
@pliers1) from
Edge of Garona (also home of
@Derevka and
@MelOfEdge) had some really interesting things to say about burnout on Twitter:
“(Burnout is) caused by a lack of tangible goals, and not meeting your expectations.”
“You need something to work towards, and something to reward your effort, or the lack of purpose starts to weigh heavily.”
Causes of his own personal burnout: “1) Guild taking a break 2) Being in a leadership position and dealing with all the problems 3) WotLK release and only Naxx to raid. 4) Mid-tier content repeatedly being dailies and heroics, when you don’t care about dailies, and don’t do heroics. 5) Feeling burnout, but also feeling like you’re committed to helping a group of people, so you keep going, and burnout gets worse. I’ve experienced all of those over the years, and probably more. But I’m still here, and not feeling too shabby at the moment.”
We also had a bunch of other people chime in:
@Holynightt: “honestly 4.1 was my burnout phase. I took thr troll heroic tier off. Came back 2 weeks before 4.2 and my guild was totally different cause a lot of raiders left after 2 tiers of bwd and bot. I got my taking spot handed right back to me but some of members still grudge me that I had my spot handed back.”
@walkstweets: “Burnout: placing far too much emphasis one activity as a method of interaction, personal fulfillment, or mask for deeper troubles.” And later, “I had to switch guilds when I was raiding with a PST-based guild (while living on the East Coast). It was awful.”
@_vidyala: “I avoid burnout by delegating, taking occasional short (3-4) day breaks, and playing non wow games when it starts to be a chore.”
@e_man41: “see: profile pic. Any physical activity is good for stress/burnout relief.” (Pic is him playing hockey.)
@rhyane: “I take at least one, maybe two days off during the week to do crafty stuff or play non-WoW games.”
@stellery: “biggest cause of my burnout is the fact that I didn’t communicate what I was feeling to my officers. and that of course snowballed into a bigger monster and led to my eventual disconnect from the game!”
@Sense_Andrew: “For me, it is only being interested in one facet of the game. I raid. Everything else is a grind to me and burns me out.”
@Technophobia: “I burned out mid-BC from raiding on an EST server while living in PST. Also I was in a guild with delusions of being way more hardcore than they were. I quit raiding, been much happier since.”
@MiniMorvel: “The lack of motivation. I had no goal. It all felt pointless. So I quit but my friends kept dragging me back. Aaaand repeat. I feel like Blizz is trying to make every player have this long-term goal but it’s failed with every expansion.”
@FFPMMarc: “My burnout is controlled with PVP.”
And don’t forget to nominate Blessing of Frost over at The Stopies! You can nominate us for Best Podcast! Nominations close on Sunday, October 16th, so definitely submit us over there. 🙂
Thanks again to Mylana from Choice for coming on the show. You can find his DeviantArt site here:
We would love to hear what you have to say! Email us at podcast [at] blessingoffrost.com with your thoughts, tips of the week or bumpers for the show or audio comments. And of course, you can follow us (and tweet us!) on Twitter:
@kurnmogh and @Majjity for us and then @ApotheosisET for our guild.
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Until next time, stay frosty!