Hey folks! This week, we talk a LOT about Blizzard and their responsibility to their players and how the change to the talent and specialization systems may affect the game going forward. We also reveal the name of the #sadmoose and the winner of the contest, not to mention introduce a short new segment called “DING!”

Programming note: We’ll return with a new episode on Tuesday, May 1st, after Kurn’s done with exams!
Are you a skilled ranged DPS, resto shaman or feral tank (with a strong kitty offspec)? Check out Apotheosis! Join us as we push through Heroic Spine, Heroic Madness of Deathwing and get Glory of the Dragon Soul Raider!
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter: @kurnmogh and @Majjity for us and then @ApotheosisET for our guild (apotheosis-now.com!). Please rate us up on iTunes and leave us a review for a shoutout!