Welcome to Episode 66 of Blessing of Frost! In this episode, Majik and Kurn chat with Fugara, the Co-GM of Choice of Skywall about the recent decision to refocus the guild towards a 10-man raiding team from a 25-man team. We look at some of the reasons and some of the options the officers had available and why and how they chose to refocus on 10s. Essentially, it’s a case study on yet another guild that has run into problems this expansion, but these guilds are not the exceptions — it’s very common for 25-mans to experience the problems Choice did.

Episode 66 - Blessing of Frost - Challenging Changes:
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Stay tuned, Apotheosis of Eldre’Thalas is going to be opening up Mists of Pandaria recruitment soon, but you should visit our website now anyhow. 🙂
Blizzard gives you Summer Challenges:
AQ 40: http://us.battle.net/wow/en-us/blog/6213569
Karazhan: http://us.battle.net/wow/en-us/blog/6385756
Outland mounts: http://us.battle.net/wow/en-us/blog/6477695
Blackrock Mountain: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/6567660/WoW_Summer_Challenge_Blackrock_Mountain-6_28_2012
Ulduar: http://us.battle.net/wow/en-us/blog/6623037
Congratulations to Convert to Raid on their one-year anniversary!
As always, please rate us up on iTunes and shower us with love in your review — and you get a shoutout on the podcast in return.
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter: @kurnmogh and @Majjity for us and then @ApotheosisET for our guild (apotheosis-now.com – recruiting ranged DPS!).