Episode 53 is here and with it we look at talent options for Death Knights, Druids, Hunters, Mages and Paladins, with the other five classes coming next week. Note: we could be wrong about how cool any of this stuff is. We’re often wrong. Majik has been consistently wrong for nine years, for example.

Episode 53 - Blessing of Frost - Previewing Mists of Pandaria:
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I tweeted asking people to let me know what they were most looking forward to. Thanks to all for replying, please follow them!
@_Rades: GHOUL VOMIT (Vile Spew)
@buglamp: bearhugbearhugbearhugbearhugbearhugbearhugbearhugbearhugbearhugbearhug
@walkstweets: Boundless Conviction: Holy Power gets to get different than Combo Points! Hurray! Healing-wise, cooldowns are exciting between Void Shift (Priest), Vow (Priest) Ascendancy (Shaman), Healing Tide (Shaman)
@TiaOfET: excited for the surprises as I have no idea what to expect other then what @DuridJaymz gave away!!
@JoeEgo812: Anxious for losing Auras. Holy Avenger means I can use the Angry Man for AoE healing too.
Addons suggested by @oathblade/Nightwill:
Addon Control Panel
Remember, Apotheosis of Eldre’Thalas is recruiting! Warlocks in particular, but we’d also look at a resto shaman, an enhancement shaman and other ranged DPS classes. We’re 4/8 HM in Dragon Soul and would love to see some apps!
As always, please rate us up on iTunes and shower us with love in your review — and you get a shoutout on the podcast in return.
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter: @kurnmogh and @Majjity for us and then @ApotheosisET for our guild (apotheosis-now.com!).